Custom USB Flash Drive for Plastic Bottle Corp
This custom USB flash drive for Plastic Bottle Corp. was a cool project we worked on recently. The company manufactures customized plastic bottles in variety of shapes and sizes. They have over 300 custom molds of plastic bottles. Displaying them effectively will require many printed pages in a catalog. Now that can be very pricey especially if your company is on a tight budget. But there are a few inexpensive ways to distribute and promote your products.
So Plastic Bottle Corporation came to Logotech with an idea. They wanted to make a custom USB in the shape of their catalog!
This is the catalog that they sent us.
After a few discussions about how they visioned their digital catalog, we made these blueprints for them.
After approval this is the final product with an electronic version of their catalog pre-loaded inside!
Another satisfied client!
Contact Logotech today to speak with one of our knowledgable account managers about creating a custom USB for your annual catalog.