![Fork USB Flash Drive](https://www.logotech.com/media/magefan_blog/2019/02/custom_fork_usb_flash_drive.jpg)
Fork USB Flash Drive
This fork USB flash drive is so cute I could eat it up with a spoon.
Keep your fork, there's dessert.
Stick a fork in me, I am done.
You probably can't use a fork shaped USB to eat your dinner, but it can be used to promote your restaurant, food blog, food incubator and shared kitchen, or marketing firm that caters to all of the above.
While the conventional wisdom that 90 percent of restaurants close in the first year has been proven untrue, it is still tough for new restaurants and other food-based startups to get their names and menus in front of an audience. Custom USB -- whether shaped like a fork, dinner plate or your signature entree or dessert -- are a smart way to get your information into food writers, industry experts, and potential partner hands.
Still need to get a city special use permit or liquor license for your establishment? Drop your documents off at city hall loaded onto a USB drive that will get the city staff excited about your new business, too. Need capital? Put your business plan on a promotional USB drive as the leave behind after your investor meeting.
Thinking about how you can use a USB drive to get your menu noticed? Our expert design staff can order up a drive that will get attention and leave your clients hungry for more. Just visit our custom USB page to get started.