Logotech-4-Good October Announcement
Crime and intelligence analysts from around California and its Central Valley meet later this month. They will go home with more investigative tools via Logotech.
Logotech awarded the California Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association the October Logotech-4-Good minigrant. The organization, which helps to train and support these analysts, will receive 150 USB flash drives for the officers to take home.
Their drives will be loaded with information from the annual conference. Analysts will then use the drives to help disseminate information to their departments and investigators, said Joty Badhesha. A member of the CCIAA organization, she applied for the Logotech-4-Good program on its behalf.
"Many law enforcement agencies do not have the money to provide their analysts with new USB flash drives so they only have the ones they receive in training. Your small donation can help someone with the organization of his or her case work," she wrote in the application.
Our September recipients, Nurses En Route, purchased receiving blankets and car magnets with the Logotech-4-Good grant. The nurses from Fort Collins, Colo., and elsewhere traveled to Mozambique. There, they worked with hospitals and mothers to help ensure the health of newborn babies. The organization received a second small grant to help it pay for the additional items they ordered.
For more information and to apply for the grant, go to our Logotech-4-Good page for more information.