Stethoscope, Heart and Lungs USB Flash Drives Trio
We've done heart and lung USB flash drives before. This client wanted more than just the thoracic system. They wanted the heart, lungs, and a stethoscope USB drive.
The clinical education program wanted to tie all of their programming into their custom USB flash drives by combining all three. So we made our first stethoscope, too.
We do a lot of custom USB flash drives for the medical industry. So many, in fact, that we have an entire gallery of drives for them.
No matter what part of the medical industry you fall into foot, oral, dental, optical, surgical, education and more we can create a custom USB drive to get information to patients. Or, direct new patients into your practice.
Not sure what special drive will bring the most attention? Check out our Medical Flash Drives for ideas. Our design team with pump out the right drive for your marketing plan.