Chocolate Greeting Cards Wedding Collection

From $11.11
In stock
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Order now, pay later Shop with confidence. No payment is required until your artwork is approved.
Production after approval Order risk-free and make as many changes as needed. We do not start production until you approve the proof.
Virtual Sample Request Form

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If you need immediate assistance, please call us at (888) 244-5152

About Our Custom Chocolate Greeting Cards Wedding Collection

Indulge in the perfect blend of sweetness and sentiment with our Chocolate Greeting Cards Wedding Collection. These unique cards are a delightful combination of gourmet chocolate bars and heartfelt messages, making them the ideal gift for any wedding.

Each card features beautiful designs that can be customized to suit your individual style and taste. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, engagement, or wedding day, these cards are sure to make a lasting impression! With 35+ stock cards to choose from, as well as the option for custom designs, the possibilities are endless. Personalize your card with custom illustrations and messages that will leave your loved ones smiling from ear to ear!

Spread love and joy with our Chocolate Greeting Cards Wedding Collection—the perfect combination of sweetness and sentiment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How can logos be added to this product?

A: Full-color printing can be used to add logos to this product.

Q: What is the minimum order quantity for this product?

A: The minimum order quantity is 25 units.

Q: What are the common uses for this product once it’s branded?

A: These unique items are perfect for celebrating special occasions such as anniversaries, engagements, weddings, or even as a thoughtful gesture to show appreciation and love. They serve as memorable gifts that combine the sweetness of gourmet chocolate with personalized heartfelt messages, making them ideal for leaving a lasting impression on your loved ones.

Q: What material is this product made with?

A: This product is made from high-quality paper.

Q: How can these cards make my special occasion even more memorable?

A: These cards offer a unique and innovative way to express your sentiments by blending the allure of gourmet chocolate with custom-tailored messages and designs.


  • Available Colors: Multicolor
  • Materials: Paper


  • SAGE: 553462082
  • Decoration Methods: Full Color
  • Available Location: Location 1
  • Color Group: Multicolor