Extra Ground Stakes
From $29.94 Regular Price $29.95
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About Extra Ground Stakes
Take advantage of fantastic tools to make your display pop like these extra ground stakes! This is a set of four that come in silver and are for use with an inflatable tent. They help keep the tent grounded despite any changes in weather or windiness. This is just what you need as a backup to the complete package to ensure that you can pull of your next event showing without a hitch. Make these part of your tradeshow arsenal! Blank product.
Shipping Options
- Weight: 3 Lbs
- Boxing types: Carton
- Boxing sizes: 12 x 2 x 17 Inch (4 pieces)
- Available Colors: Medium Gray
- SAGE: 550320979
- Decoration Methods: Color Print
- Available Location: Location 1
- Color Group: Gray